The edginess that is Youjo Senki (epi 1)

"She is..."


"A monster in a form of a little girl!"


How? How is she a monster from what we have seen in the first episode? The term 'monster' has to be earned to be impactful. Too much vileness will make a character unrealistic and too little will make it seem edgy. 

The devil: But she almost beheaded her two subordinates.

They disobeyed orders. Mind you this is the military and even to this day you are still expected to strictly follow your commanders' orders without any complains. Back in World War 2, speaking out of line would have had your entire family executed by the Gestapo. 

The devil: She shows almost no care or concern to her subordinates.

Big deal... Talk to me when she starts using them as meat shields. Not caring just shows that she is a cold individual, and not a monster. And she actually compromised to Serebryakov by letting her in on the mission, despite knowing she will be dead weight.

The devil: She brutally murders her enemies.

Not without giving them the option to become prisoners-of-war. You see if I was writing a monster, I would've just had her behead all her enemies even though they surrendered. In this case, they didn't surrender, so there was no reason why she shouldn't have blown them all up. 

The devil: She sent both her subordinates to the pi--

No. There was no goddamn way she could've known the pillbox would be bombed unless she was a prophet. She never sent them to their death. Instead she sent them to safety if anything. You see if those idiots weren't busy playing cards in the bunker, they would've actually seen the bombers and like, I don't know, GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE? Compared to shelter than flying in enemy territories, please tell me which one is safer. I really think the author failed to think this through. He tried to paint her as a monster for sending her subordinates to die when it doesn't even make sense how that can even be so. 

The devil: But--

What is with that smile in the end?! WHY WAS SHE SMILING LIKE A MAD MAN?! Just think about it, let's just say you sent your subordinates to die and your buddy comes and question you about it, what will you do?

A) Ask her to leave.
B) Tell her it's their punishment
C) Tell her any further questioning and it will be treason
D) Smile and stare at her like a murderer

Now if you chose option D then I got bad news for ya buddy.

Tanya is a poor poor victim of someone who wants to make everything so dark and cool without actually thinking logically how a human being would act in the first place. If you want to portray her as a monster, go all out. Have her bayonet babies, cause that is what the Japanese did and those were true monsters.


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