Dreaming to be in Isekai

I was scrolling through kissmanga updates yesterday and I just came upon a manga called Death March with a invaluable 'Isekai' tag slapped onto the back. And like someone danging a lollipop in front of me, I took the bait while subsequently spitting it back out after two chapters.

Why make Satou max level? I actually think it would be more interesting if the character starts from scratch. He doesn't necessarily need to be weak but max level? I can't comprehend turning him into fifteen as well as it would've been perfectly find if he went in as twenty-nine. And doesn't it feel out of place-- Oh no... I probably had this conversation with myself every time I read a new Isekai/fantasy manga. Yet even after all the flaws, I still end up pouncing on that lollipop every time.

I think there is something to say about how the Isekai genre reflects people. I won't say it over-saturates anime nowadays but I definitely feel like there is a common trend that is sweeping us off our feet. With Re-zero last year and Konosuba this season as well, I think there is a current boom of Isekai stories coming out nowadays.

But why is there this boom of the Isekai genre now?

I watched a video made by Gigguk the other day which talks about how SAO is the definition of wish-fulfilment and felt kinda ashamed of myself because back when SAO came out, I was twelve... And I'm sure you can guess who my favourite waifu was back then. And even now, I still end up clicking on every Isekai manga because frankly speaking, I'm still drawn to a manga of wish-fulfilment, no matter how much of them there are and how much of them ended up disappointing me.

I'm not gonna say that I have a PhD in depression. I'm not clinically depressed but I have felt depressed before and I'm sure so did everyone else at some point. And it feels like shit. I just finished my secondary education (high school) and I already lost track with all my friends because I find it hard to click with them. Every now and then I want to hit my head against the wall because of all the cringy things I did to my friends. Now I'm desperate for relationships cause I'm horny as shit as a teenager and just want to have-- The point is, life sucks. I want to kill myself. Or... I can hope that one day I will be transported to another world with cute girls and can shoot cooool magic and swing cooool swords.

Teens want to escape from their everyday life sometimes and become a cool hero with a harem. And this doesn't reflect only on teens but on adults as well because I'm sure they would sometimes think of escape from their stressful life as well. I think instead of asking why there is a boom now, I will instead say that it could've been any time period and it could still have happened. A medium to escape from reality is probably not sometime sought after now but way into the past and probably in the future as well. We have the millions of books that not necessarily depict escapism in such a evident light but it still portrays a life of someone which is most likely much more interesting than ours. And we immerse ourselves in them because we inherently want to experience something more interesting and different from our current lives.

I think no matter how old I grow, there will always be a part of me that craves for the escape and that is why when I'm thirty or forty, I can still see myself looking out for any new lollipops. Cause honestly, who doesn't want to be a badass black swordsman who dual blades and have chicks that worships him?

To anyone who finished reading this, why are you still here? I mean thx for staying so long. I'm pretty sure I ended up adding nothing to this old discussion but I just wanted to say my piece as the Isekai genre is such a big part of my life. I will be writing more about how I think the Isekai genre can become better in my next blog so keep a look out for it.


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